Tonight I served my family mashed potatoes without gravy. Which prompted a lively discussion about how good gravy is. And everyone had an entirely different point of view.
The 9-year-old son: If I were President of my own country, I would have FREE gravy for everyone. Everyday.
Me: How would you manage that? Tax the people and use their money to give gravy to all?
Son: I guess so.
Me: So, you would run on a Free Gravy platform.
Son (Mumbling through mouthful of potatoes): Yup.
6-year-old daughter: If I had my own store, I would give free gravy to every person who came in!
Me: Where would you get all that gravy?
Daughter: I'd make it!
Me:How would you get all the ingredients?
Daughter (confused): Ummmm . . . buy them at a store?
Husband (who up til this point was busy chewing his steak): If I had my own restaurant, I'd make the best gravy in the world and charge everyone a ton of money to eat it.