This is the very first Survey post in what I plan to be a weekly series. I'll ask a question, one that is rather Family-Fued-esque, and then I will ask (beg, guilt, plead with) you to leave a comment here (on my blog, not facebook) with your survey response.
What's in it for you? Well, eventually, I plan to have some giveaway drawings. But for now, we can just find out a little bit about each other!
So for this inaugural Survey Saturday, the question is:
What mom-items do you have right now in your bag?
Obviously things like wallets, keys, and mace don't count.
It's ok if it's common, like wipes. Or very specific, like a red dragonoid Bakugan battle armor.
You can make a quick list, or even give an explanation. Just please comment! If you're a dad, what's in your wife's bag? Or if you had a bag, what would you put in it? Or if you do have a bag . . . well, then good for you, I'll be sending the Small Things Dad of the Year award to you soon.
I'll comment first!