I enjoy a Sunday, I think I always have. It's so totally different from the structured demands of a weekday, when I am shuttling kids and we almost never see my husband. It's also completely different from the wide-open potential of a Saturday, the one stretch of day that I feel compelled to fill with outdoor activity (maybe that's a San Diego thing?) and then stay up late watching a movie with Jamie.
But Sunday lends itself more to routine, especially for people who go to church regularly. But even if you don't, it is still a day to wind down from the weekend, and prepare for the week. That makes me think of the Seinfeld episode when Elaine is trapped on the wrong side of town due to a parade and has to get home to watch 60 Minutes and unwind. And that makes me remember the ticking stopwatch, and Mike Wallace, and my Dad nodding off on the sofa after Sunday dinner, and me dreading all the weekend homework I'd procrastinated.
See, even as a kid, I had a Sunday routine. In college, I had a Chi Omega chapter meeting every Sunday night. When my husband and I first married, we'd cook breakfast and read the Sunday paper for hours. Then there were the beer-and-laundry Sundays, when my husband and his buddy Martin would brew beer while I shuttled 8 loads of laundry down to the laundromat on the corner (at 1st and Orange in Coronado, facing the Ferry Landing, possibly the most scenic laundromat in the world), then we'd all have dinner, often ribs and corn on the cob.
For the last few years, on Sunday nights I put the kids to bed early and spend the evening doing laundry and watching Desperate Housewives and then Brothers and Sisters. I didn't ever plan on watching those shows, in fact, I expressly intended NOT to watch those shows. But they follow Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, and they are gooood soaps, and there is PLENTY of laundry to fold . . . so I eventually got hooked.
Tonight I am off my routine. My husband and I decided to call the sitter and then go out to dinner, just the two of us. Very nice. We went to a new Pho place and had a hot pot of spicy broth and cooked our dinner at the table. Interesting. We liked it, and we liked doing something we could never do with our kids. And it was very healthy. So then we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dessert.
Meanwhile, my laundry is piling up and I have shows backed up on my DVR.
Do you have a Sunday routine that you count on? Do you need 60 Minutes to unwind? Comment below and let me know how you spend your Sundays!
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