I have been so excited about Lauren Graham's return to weekly television. All through the Olympics I would sulk if my husband fast forwarded through even one Parenthood commercial on our DVR.
And I enjoyed the premier of Parenthood last Tuesday, I liked the characters, the family, the parents' gorgeous craftsman home, and I look forward to seeing it all developed further.
Course, this means that Lauren Graham probably won't be available to shoot the Gilmore Girls reunion TV movie that I've written. In my head.
It's gooood, too. It opens with a wedding, but not of a Gilmore girl. Old characters return. There's a fire. And another wedding at the end, with a surprise twist.
I really have spent a good amount of time plotting it in my mind. Probably while my husband was watching boxing/football/curling. It's good that men tend not to ask out of the blue what we're thinking about.
Here's a link to a cool Parenthood Personality Quiz at NBC.com:
My Parenting Style was judged as Practical: Mostly firm but open-minded, focused on teaching the logic behind real-world solutions, premium on personaly responsibility and gaining wisdom from experience.
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