I saw the Letterman monologue joke about Sarah Palin's daughter and A-rod, and I didn't laugh. I just kind of shook my head in dismay.
When I heard Palin's public comments in response, I cringed a little for them. I feel their disgust, but I don't know that it helps to acknowledge or engage such a gross joke.
Letterman is an ass, and while many comedians say crasser, more offensive things than that, if Letterman was always like that, he wouldn't be on a network with the ratings he has. At least I hope he wouldn't.
I just think that there are some jokes that shouldn't be tolerated.
I do buy that the intended subject of the joke was Bristol and not the 14 year-old, but that just makes it inaccurate as well as offensive. And I don't care to discuss whether there is a double standard in how the media respects liberals versus conservatives.
I shook my head in dismay because I know there were likely at least a few pregnant 17-year-old, 18-year-old women watching that night who got the picture loud and clear that having a baby will make them a joke. That a pregant teenager loses all respect, and is called a slut to loud laughter and applause.
I've openly discussed my pro-life beliefs here before, and shared my skepticism of the usefulness of marches and placards and slogans in changing people's minds and influencing our cultural values.
Laughing at jokes like Letterman's absolutely influences our culture's values. What's worse is how that particular show may have directly influenced a pregnant teenage girl's choice this week.
I'll say it again and again, if pro-life advocates really want to save babies, they've got to help the mothers decide to keep their babies. And you do that with encouragement, with support, and with respect for the hard road young moms choose to walk, for the love of their babies.
Public and personal humiliation of teenage mothers? Is it really ok to laugh at that?