I can't believe I didn't even know there was such a week!
As Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, puts it: "Families serve just as their uniformed service members do. And the military family has rarely faced as many challenges as our families do today. After seven years of war, hundreds of thousands of families have served through multiple deployments in support of operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom, as well as many other locations throughout the globe.
"But the love and support of our military families do more than allow us to serve abroad. Our families serve at the very center of American society. They are the bedrock of a free republic which provides for a common defense – and their commitment to the values of hard work, self-sacrifice, and moral virtue is a source of great pride and inspiration for us all."
Wow . . . "the bedrock of a free republic" . . . that's some serious stuff. Much harder to get my head around that than it is to understand the part about hard work and self-sacrifice. That part is all too clear, especially now, at the end of a deployment. Cheers to all my fellow milspouses this week! Ain't it nice to be appreciated? ;-)
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