Once again, I've been absent from the blog awhile. I guess every now and then I take a leave of absence. It usually happens when life gets busy and stressful, and I am feeling very negative. Too negative to have anything pleasant to say here, and so as the wisdom goes, I just don't say anything.
I guess today I am feeling a little more on top of things, and so I return. No major happenings going on here. Husband is home from deployments and/or detachments, and we are trying to make the most of family time. I think back now over the last month or two and realize a lot of the stress and negativity I felt came from being disappointed that "Daddy being home" wasn't working out as wonderfully in real life as I had built up in my head. He left twice for detachments far away. He works long hours. His cell phone rings during dinner. Some nights he gets home just in time to tuck the kids in.
And still, by myself, I have to feed these rugrats. Every. Single. Day. They just keep eating! They are always hungry! The nerve of them! Can't they give it a rest sometimes?!
I am joking, of course. There are plenty of worse ways to spend a day then feeding children. Yet somehow, when it seems that's ALL you do (well, that, and the accompanying dishes and laundry and toy-picking-up), it can run you down a little bit.
But I love them, and I cherish them. And as much as I wish my husband could be here more to share the burden of caretaking and discipline, I wish even more that he could be here more to see all the adorable things they do, hear the hilarious things they say, and know their little personalities and likes and dislikes as well as I do.
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