In case you didn't know, I am no fan of the mall. But today something (maybe the heat index?) made me venture forth to the big mall downtown. I heard they have a great play zone for kids. They do.
I won't detail the whole adventure, but as I was packing the kids back into the car, I said to my son, "Son, I am really tired right now, and I don't feel like talking. So please don't ask me questions right now. If you ask me questions, I won't answer now, because I am too tired. So let's just be quiet awhile, ok?" Fortunately, he obliged. Actually, he was deep asleep within five minutes.
But there are a few things lingering on my mind from the trip. If I did have some things to say:
To the ladies who opened and held the doors for my stroller entourage as I entered and then left the mall - thank you for being such thoughtful, kind people. You cannot know how nice it is when someone just holds the door. Or maybe you once had a stroller entourage yourself, and you do know. In any case, you made my day.
To the moms I chatted with in the kids play zone - how is it that I feel such instant comraderie with you, though I don't know you at all? Maybe because I really do know you.
To the saleslady at the Dillard's bathing suit department - Has anyone ever told you that smiling should be part of your job? Even though my son is trying to climb the clothing racks and feel up the mannequins. Even though my baby shrieked for the first five minutes I was in your section. Even though I didn't get permission to use the handicapped dressing room to corral my kids and stroller while I tried on what i am sure is more bathing suits than I am allowed to bring in at one time. Still, you didn't have to be so snippy. Moms gotta shop, too, you know.
And finally, to the soldier who walked in front of us for awhile near the Nordstoms - I don't know if you heard my little boy as he started to ask me rather loudly why that man in front of us only has one leg. I panicked and veered us off into the Abercrombie & Fitch before he could finish. Maybe I shouldn't have, maybe you don't mind hearing innocent kids ask questions. Anyway, I told him that you were a soldier, and that your leg got hurt because you were very, very brave. And I would like to tell you--Thank You.