I always like reading these when other bloggers do them, though I confess I lose focus after maybe 30 or so. Let's hope I can pay attention long enough to finish my own 100 things. Let's go.
1. I am thirty-something, and not happy about it.
2. I married my high school sweetheart, and I think that might be one of the most defining things about me.
3. I can summarize any Little House episode if you show me just 5 seconds worth.
4. I was a bookworm before I had kids.
5. I used to feel smug when people told me they didn't have time to read. Now I can't believe how much time I used to have to myself and that I never even appreciated it.
6. I went to high school in Alabama, where I met my husband. Neither of our families are really from Alabama. Nor do either of them live there anymore.
7. I've never had a dog, just cats.
8. I have two kids.
9. I got kicked out of a bar once, which is a fun fact to remember.
10. In college, we used to go dumpster diving behind the dunkin donuts while humming the tune to Mission Impossible.
11. I hate shopping for clothes, so I never have anything decent to wear.
12. I prefer to spend on food and books.
13. I am sitting in a beachfront hotel staring at the ocean while I type this list.
14. I was born in New England.
15. I graduated from Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia.
16. My husband flies helicopters.
17. I have two sisters.
18. For some strange reason, virtually none of my girlfriends have had sisters.
19. I like peanut butter and cheese on hamburgers.
20. I am a coffee drinker. With milk and sugar.
21. I've noticed my favorite breakfast cereals are all square.
22. There was a time in my life when I wished I lived in an L.M. Montgomery novel.
23. I lean to the right. (Politically, I mean.)
24. I'm pro-life.
25. I love dark, dark chocolate.
26. I love San Diego.
27. I support breastfeeding, extended nursing, and nursing in public.
28. I use cloth diapers.
29. I love and admire my parents, and hope to raise my kids as well as they raised us.
30. Apple pie is the only dessert that can tempt me away from chocolate.
31. I am a night owl. (Yawn.)
32. Does it go without saying, then, that I am not a morning person?
33. I like stawberry jam best. Not preserves, not jelly. Jam.
34. I was a girlscout for 7 years. Plus one year as a brownie leader.
35. I love brownies. The baked kind. With nuts.
36. I used to like to run. I wish I had more opportunity to go running. I don't think I'd like a jogging stroller, though. I prefer to totally zone out when I run, and I can't zone out while I am with my kid.
37. My first car was a hatchback I shared with my sister. My dad paid like $700 for it, it was hideous, and we named it Vera. It had blue shag seat covers, and it listed to the left. The front doors would stick and we had to climb in like the Dukes of Hazzard.
38. I have big feet. I love Dolly Parton's line in Steel Magnolia's "I wear a 6, but a 7 feels so good, I buy an 8."
39. I love all Meg Ryan romantic comedies, but she was a little sullied to me after the whole Russel Crowe thing.
40. I think Ed Harris is really sexy.
41. Brad Pitt was never my type.
42. I spent a week in France once, when I met my husband's boat in port. What a great time.
43. I absolutely hate The Bachelor. What a horrible idea. Have those women no pride?
44. I love The Apprentice.
45. I love to sing, but I am not really good enough to have other people hear me.
46. I wish I could play guitar.
47. My younger sister ended up marrying her first guitar instructor.
48. I am Catholic.
49. I believe in natural childbirth.
50. I lost a baby girl to a fatal birth defect. I just feel like it's something people should know about me, because it is a major influence in my life. But it's not something you can just mention in passing very easily.
51. I suffer from sciatica sometimes, especially third trimester.
52. I highly recommend temperpedic mattresses.
53. I come a big French Canadian family. I have 21 first cousins. I only know a few of them well.
54. I love brie. But I hate goat cheese.
55. I was on the Algebra Math team in 8th grade. But I never liked math.
56. In 7th grade, I got the Home Ec Award a the annual school awards ceremony.
57. I am very upset that Petite Sophisticate closed.
58. I vascillate between letting my hair grow long, and vowing I will keep it short.
59. I love sushi.
60. I've been to the movies twice in three years.
Awhile ago I began my 100 things, only to lose focus after the first 60. Turns out, it is really hard to think of that many things to say about myself! Here's the worst part--I took all day to type this post, to fill out the last 40 items, and when I finally finished, when I clicked SAVE . . . my network connection had timed out, I got the "Page not found" page, and my post was gone! Argh! My cry of despair scared my baby and made her cry. I don't want to try to do it again! Aww, but now I have to . . .
61. I have no memory of most of what I listed here earlier today.
62. I am afraid of the dark.
63. I like beer, but it has to be good beer, like a good red ale, or a wheat ale.
64. I love The Gilmore Girls.
65. I love board games, especially Trivial Pursuit.
66. I don't highlight my hair because I can't keep them up. I only go to a salon twice a year.
67. I think milkshakes are the perfect cure for heartburn. Especially when you're pregnant.
68. I've been pregnant three times, and I'm still carrying around some milkshake.
69. My milkshake doesn't really bring all the boys to the yard.
70. I love my DVR. In California, all my friends who had it told me it would change my life, and I laughed. But it has! I can watch less late-night mindless crap, and more Gilmore Girls!
71. We visited several National Parks this summer, and my favorites were Yosemite and the Grand Tetons.
72. My husband got a souvenir tshirt at the Grand Tetons. I did not.
73. I can spell souvenir because I took French for 4 years.
74. I am generally good at spelling. In Cranium, I always get the backwards spelling questions ("gnilleps") right.
75. I enjoyed diagramming sentences in sixth grade.
76. I was an English major in college.
77. I guess you could say I was a little nerdy in high school. (If by "nerdy" you mean "smarter" and "more mature." :-p)
78. I took violin lessons for two years when I was kid. I quit right after my parents bought me my own violin.
79. I will make all my children take some kind of music lessons.
80. I never played a sport, but I took dance lessons, and I twirled flags with the marching band. I was captain, in fact.
81. I love autumn. My favorite season used to be spring, but when we lived in Florida, it was so nice to look forward to cooler weather. And then my husbands first deployment had him returning in autumn. And both my children were born in the fall. Pumpkin patches and chrysanthemums. School supplies and drumlines. I love it all.
82. I hate cleaning the kitchen more than any other household chore. If it just didn't have to be done every single day!
88. I love Miss Manner's books, I think they are fascinating and amusingly witty.
89. I let my kids watch too much TV, and I feel guilty about it. But I get all bent out of shape if my husband tells me that I let the kids watch too much TV.
90. I have the ungracious habit of always correcting my husband when he's wrong. And he has a compulsive need to correct me, too. I hate that we do this. I'd bet our family does too.
91. I love my in-laws. They are such a fun and loving family.
92. My husband and I have been married for almost 10 years, together for almost 17, and I am still totally in love with him, I miss him when I am not with him, and he lights up the room when he walks in. (He also instantly makes it messy.)
93. The above gushiness might be due to the fact that my husband is out of the country for some pre-deployment training.
94. When he called on his second night away, I asked him, "So, is your heart growing fonder yet?"
95. One of my favorite novels is The Age of Innocence. I also like the movie.
96. I've never read any of The Lord of the Rings, but I have read all of The Chronicles of Narnia, and I love Harry Potter, can't wait for the next one.
97. My husband and I got married at the Naval Academy.
98. I have one nephew who was.
100. We always need more bookshelves. Someday we will have a wall of white-painted built-in bookshelves surrounding a fireplace, and then I will never move again.
That's it, I'm done! Try doing your own "100 Things," it's not easy!
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