Since I am still trying to focus on launching my business, my posts will be few and far between unless I throw a few memes in here. So here is one I found over at Wonder Mom. ( I love visiting Kris over there and feeling the post-partum sympathy vibes.)
4 jobs you've had in your life:
- Waiting tables at Swenson's, Shoney's, Sonny's Barbeque, and Ruby Tuesdays. (Mostly hated it, but made good friends, also can stack 4 dinner plates up my arm.)
- Working at my college library (LOVED it.)
- Teaching middle school. (A love/hate relationship.)
- Writing, editing, and scoring standardized tests. (Enjoyable in a challenging way.)
4 movies you could watch over and over:
- A League of Their own (about 10 times)
- The Sound of Music (maybe 12 times)
- The Age of Innocence (4 times)
- When Harry Met Sally ( I discover new nuances each time . . .)
4 places you've lived:
- East Hartford, CT (birth to age 9)
- Huntsville, AL (age 10 to 18, and I can turn on the accent)
- Atlanta, GA (college, which for me was 18 to 23, ya'll)
- Jacksonville, FL (26 to 29, then we came back to San Diego)
4 websites you visit daily
- My own, Baby Philosophy
- Amazon is weekly
- That's it, I have cut way back on browsing
4 TV shows you love to watch
- Gilmore Girls (addicted, and I have dragged my husband in too)
- American Idol (good for the whole family)
- West Wing (but I can never remember to watch since they moved it to Sunday!)
- The View (again, a love/hate thing)
4 favorite foods
- Chocolate, dark and lovely
- Sushi
- French fries
- Pasta Alfredo
4 albums you can't live without (I mostly listen to mixes and radio)
- But I love me some James Taylor
- I can't give birth without Norah Roberts
- I am in love with that new James Blunt guy
- I have to keep Indigo Girls around for when I feel like singing
4 places you'd rather be:
- Dozing in bed, kid free, listening to the rain
- Walking along the bay.
- Bookstore. (Kidfree).
- Driving through the mountains with my hubby, windows open, listening to Dave Matthews
Anyone else feel like doing this now, please comment to let me know, I'd love to come see yours.
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